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"No hay misión imposible para las mujeres sensibles" Amparanoia

Resultado de imagen de mafalda y sus amigos periodistas

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018


A hundred evacuees , suspended classes and transport affected by the rains in Valencia and Castellon

The heavy rains that raged on the Mediterranean coast forced the classes to cancel on friday 
21st of october  in 140 municipalities of the Valencian community and in the three universities of Valencia and Castellon.

Since thursday afternoon, a hundred people have been evicteir from their homes because of the risk of flooding and firefighters have rescued the occupants of some thirty vehicles.

The rainfall, which discharged up to 240 liters of water per square meter in 24 hours in Torreblanca and 235 in El Palmar, left steets and flooded squares in many municipalities, cut roads, caused delays in the train that links Valencia and Barcelona interrupted the MetroValencia service.

The city dawned on friday with less activity than usual, although the level of alert decreased and it was expected that the intensity of the rains was foing to decrease throughout the day.

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